Helpful Online Resources During COVID-19


- Strategies for Managing Anxiety and Fear for You and Your Children (NAGC)
- Supporting children in the struggle against COVID-19
- Talking to Children about COVID-19: A Parent Resource
- Taking Care of your Mental Health in the Midst of Uncertainty
- The Discomfort you are Feeling is Grief - Harvard Business Review Article
- 10 Surprising Ways to Calm an Anxious Child
- Suicide Loss NYT article
- What Kids want their Adults to know about Grief
- There are no Five Stages of Grief – NYT Article
- In Parenting, and Everything Else, Now is the Time for Grace
- Talking to Children about the Impact of COVID-19
- Creative ways to support one another during Social Distancing Podcast
- Grieving during Social Distancing – Teen Wise
- Grief Out Loud Podcast (The Dougy Center): Grief and Anxiety